
Langue: en

Version: 252909 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


ip2hostname - converts IP addresses to their respective hostnames


ip2hostname [-h] [ -p printf_format ] [ [-i extension] file [...] ]


-h help (shows this usage information) (mnemonic: 'h'elp)
-p printf_format use this printf format for IP address and hostname, respectively. The default format is '%.0s%s', which supresses the printing of the IP address (i.e. "%.0s" specifies printing a string with a maximum width of zero). To maintain column widths (since both the IP address and hostname vary in lenght), a format like this may be useful: '%-16.16s %-20s' (mnemonic: 'p'rintf format)
-i extension edit the files in place (rather than sending to standard output) This option requires file name(s) argument(s). The extension is added to the name of the old file to make a backup copy. If you don't wish to make a backup, use "-I". (mnemonic: edit 'i'n place)
-I like "-i" but no backup is made. (mnemonic: edit 'I'n place, trusting this script 'I'mplicitly. ;^)


add_ds.pl(1), add_txrx(1), event2vrule(1), flowscan(1), locker(1)


This manual page was written by Anibal Monsalve Salazar, for the Debian Project.