
Langue: en

Version: 253119 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


kaffe - a virtual machine to execute Java(tm) bytecode


kaffe [options] classname [argument...]
kaffe [options] -jar filename [argument...]
The provided options are passed to kaffe virtual machine. Available options are described in the section OPTIONS. The provided arguments are passed to the main function of the called class.


kaffe executes Java(tm) bytecode, either as a pure bytecode interpreter, or by doing "just-in-time" code conversion from the abstract code to the host machine's native code.

The specified classname has to be a fully-qualified classname (e.g. If kaffe is used with the -jar flag, the class to execute is determined through the manifest file included in the specified Jar-File filename.

kaffe searches for needed classes during program execution on the bootclasspath (see -Xbootclasspath options) and the classpath given by the user (see the -classpath option).


The options for the kaffe command are divided into general options (available on all kaffe installations), options provided for compatibility reasons and further options which are depending on the configuration during compilation of kaffe.


These options are available on all kaffe installations.

Give a short usage message of all available options on your kaffe installation.
Print the version number.
Same as -version plus compile date and flags, changelog head.
-ss size
Set the maximum stack size to size.
-mx size
Set the maximum heap size to size. Kilobytes are indicated by the letters k or K and megabytes by m or M.
-ms size
Set the initial heap size to size. Kilobytes are indicated by the letters k or K and megabytes by m or M.
-as size
Set the heap increment size to size
-classpath path
Set the path which is searched for compiled classes. This can be a list of directories and Jar-Files containing compiled classes. The entries in this list are separated by colons (:).
-addclasspath path
Appends the given path to the current classpath setting. Multiple instances of this flag may be given.
-Xbootclasspath: bootclasspath
Set the bootclasspath to the given path.
-Xbootclasspath/a: bootclasspath
Appends the given path to the bootclasspath.
-Xbootclasspath/p: bootclasspath
Prepends the given path to the bootclasspath.
Set a property to a given value.
-verifyremote *
Verify all classes not loaded from the bootclasspath. This is the default behavior.
-verify *
Verify all classes.
Do not verify any classes.
Disable class garbage collection.
Print message during garbage collection.
-v, -verbose
Enable verbose output.
Print detailed memory allocation statistics.
Print message during JIT code generation.
Print detailed call flow information.
Disable deadlock detection.
-debug *
Trace method calls.
-noasyncgc *
Do not garbage collect asynchronously.
-cs, -checksource *
Check source against class files.
-oss * size
Maximum stack size.
-debug-fd descriptor
Descriptor to send debug info to.
-jar file
Executes a Java(tm) program which is provided by the given Jar-File file.

* Option currently ignored.


These options are provided for compatibility reasons with other Java(tm) runtime environments.

-Xss size
Maximum native stack size (see -ss).
-Xmx size
Maximum heap size (see -mx).
-Xms size
Initial heap size (see -ms).
-cp path
Set classpath (see -classpath).


Further options may be available based on the configuration of kaffe during compilation. To get a complete list of options available in your kaffe installation type kaffe --help on the commandline.

Execute the ia32 version of Kaffe.
Enable profiling of methods.
Enable cross language profiling.
-Xxprof_syms file
Name of the profiling symbols file [Default: kaffe-jit-symbols.s].
-Xxprof_gmon file
Base name for gmon files [Default: xgmon.out]
-Xxdebug_file file
Name of the debugging symbols file.
The file name to write feedback data to.
-vmstats flag{,flag}
Print VM statistics. Set flag=all for all
Use GMP for faster, native bignum calculations.
-vmdebug flag{,flag}
Enable VM debugging. Set flag=list for a list.
Use Kaffe's Xlib AWT backend.
Use Kaffe's Qt2/3/Embedded AWT backend.
Use Kaffe's Nano-X AWT backend.


A colon-separated list of directories and Jar-Files in which to search for .class files. The entries have to be separated by colons (:).
Base directory of kaffe installation.
A colon-separated list of directories in which to search for libraries. See for details. This needs to be set if Kaffe's shared libraries are installed in a location not part of the dynamic loader's default search path.


System-wide shell script read by kaffe script (optional).
Per-user shell script read by kaffe script (optional).


Not documented yet.


Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Kaffe is available from various sites, the primary one being <>.

There are several mailing lists for Kaffe:
General Kaffe discussions
Kaffe related announcements


See the file FAQ.Known-Bugs for an updated list.


Kaffe was originally written by Tim Wilkinson, 1996. Many others contributed to the Kaffe project. They are listed in the source distribution's AUTHORS file.


Kaffe is distributed under the GNU GPL. For full details, see the file license.terms in the source distribution for full details.

The included DOM bindings are published under the W3C Software Copyright Notice and License. For full details, see the file license-w3c.terms in the source distribution for full details.


jikes, a fast Java(tm) compiler

gjdoc, the GNU javadoc tool