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Version: 2008-05-08 (ubuntu - 07/07/09)
Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)
MaPiVi - Picture Viewer and OrganizerMaPiVi means Martin's Picture Viewer
JPEG picture viewer / image management system with meta info support written in Perl/Tk for UNIX, Mac OS X and Windows.I wrote mapivi just for me, because I needed a image viewer which is also able to display and edit meta infos of JPEG pictures, like EXIF, JPEG comments and IPTC/IIM infos. As hobby photographer I am mostly interested in the EXIF infos (like timestamp, camera model, focal length, exposure time, aperture, etc.) and the possibility to add and edit IPTC infos and JPEG comments. But I also want to rename pictures according to their internal date/time and to do lossless rotation, lossless cropping and other stuff.
mapivi can be found here: (link to the mapivi site) or if this won't work: (real site) (download)
I would be happy to receive some feedback (e.g. on which os mapivi works), bugfixes, patches or suggestions about mapivi.
Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Martin Herrmann All rights reserved.
Feel free to redistribute. Enjoy!
mapivi [file|directory]to display a certain picture use:
mapivi picture.jpg
mapivi will generate and display all pictures in the directory as thumbnails. The given picture will be displayed in original size or zoomed to fit the window (picture frame).
to view a directory containing pictures use:
mapivi ~/pics/
mapivi will generate and display all pictures in the given directory as thumbnails.
mapivi is controlled by the following keys: see also menu Help->Keys (the list is generated from the source code and is always actual.)- Space, Page-Down
- Show the next picture in directory
- BackSpace, Page-Up
- Show the previous picture in directory
- Escape
- Iconify MaPiVi (Boss-Key :)
- Cursor-up, -down, -left, -right
- Scroll the picture, if it's bigger than the Canvas
- Shift-Cursor-up, -down, -left, -right
- Move to the border of the picture, if it's bigger than the Canvas
- q
- Quit MaPiVi
For all other key bindings, see the menu Help->Keys
Try the right mouse button in the thumbnail picture list for a popup menu to copy, move, rename, rotate or delete pictures, to open a new directory, to add or remove comments or to exit MaPiVi.Use the buttons to add, edit or remove JPG comments, or to display all EXIF infos.
If you hold the mouse over the buttons or labels a help message will pop up (or at least at most of them :).
my $rmB = $af->Button(-text => "remove", -command => sub { my @keys = $keytree->info('selection'); return unless checkSelection($keycw, 1, 0, \@keys); my @sellist = $lb->info('selection'); return unless checkSelection($top, 1, 0, \@sellist); my $pw = progressWinInit($keycw, "Remove keyword"); my $i = 0; my $sum = @sellist; foreach my $dpic (@sellist) { last if progressWinCheck($pw); $i++; progressWinUpdate($pw, "removing keyword ($i/$sum) ...", $i, $sum); foreach my $key (@keys) { last if progressWinCheck($pw); progressWinUpdate($pw, "removing keyword $key ($i/$sum) ...", $i, $sum); my $name = getLastItem($key); print "remove key $name ($key) from $dpic\n" if $verbose; removeIPTCItem($dpic, 'Keywords', $name); updateOneRow($dpic, $lb); } } progressWinEnd($pw); })->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 0, -fill => 'x', -padx => 1, -pady => 1); $balloon->attach($rmB, -msg => "Remove the selected keywords from the selected pictures");
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