
Langue: en

Version: 2010-06-08 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


mk-query-digest - Parses logs and more. Analyze, transform, filter, review and report on queries.


Analyze, aggregate, and report on a slow query log:
  mk-query-digest /path/to/slow.log

Review a slow log, saving results to the test.query_review table in a MySQL server running on host1. See ``--review'' for more on reviewing queries:

  mk-query-digest --review h=host1,D=test,t=query_review /path/to/slow.log

Filter out everything but SELECT queries, replay the queries against another server, then use the timings from replaying them to analyze their performance:

  mk-query-digest /path/to/slow.log --execute h=another_server \
    --filter '$event->{fingerprint} =~ m/^select/'

Print the structure of events so you can construct a complex ``--filter'':

  mk-query-digest /path/to/slow.log --no-report \
    --filter 'print Dumper($event)'

Watch SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST and output a log in slow query log format:

  mk-query-digest --processlist h=host1 --print --no-report

The default aggregation and analysis is CPU and memory intensive. Disable it if you don't need the default report:

  mk-query-digest <arguments> --no-report


The following section is included to inform users about the potential risks, whether known or unknown, of using this tool. The two main categories of risks are those created by the nature of the tool (e.g. read-only tools vs. read-write tools) and those created by bugs.

By default mk-query-digest merely collects and aggregates data from the files specified. It is designed to be as efficient as possible, but depending on the input you give it, it can use a lot of CPU and memory. Practically speaking, it is safe to run even on production systems, but you might want to monitor it until you are satisfied that the input you give it does not cause undue load.

Various options will cause mk-query-digest to insert data into tables, execute SQL queries, and so on. These include the ``--execute'' option and ``--review''.

At the time of this release, we know of no bugs that could cause serious harm to users.

The authoritative source for updated information is always the online issue tracking system. Issues that affect this tool will be marked as such. You can see a list of such issues at the following URL: <>.

See also ``BUGS'' for more information on filing bugs and getting help.


This tool was formerly known as mk-log-parser.

"mk-query-digest" is a framework for doing things with events from a query source such as the slow query log or PROCESSLIST. By default it acts as a very sophisticated log analysis tool. You can group and sort queries in many different ways simultaneously and find the most expensive queries, or create a timeline of queries in the log, for example. It can also do a ``query review,'' which means to save a sample of each type of query into a MySQL table so you can easily see whether you've reviewed and analyzed a query before. The benefit of this is that you can keep track of changes to your server's queries and avoid repeated work. You can also save other information with the queries, such as comments, issue numbers in your ticketing system, and so on.

Note that this is a work in *very* active progress and you should expect incompatible changes in the future.


mk-query-digest works on events, which are a collection of key/value pairs called attributes. You'll recognize most of the attributes right away: Query_time, Lock_time, and so on. You can just look at a slow log and see them. However, there are some that don't exist in the slow log, and slow logs may actually include different kinds of attributes (for example, you may have a server with the Percona patches).

For a full list of attributes, see <>.


memcached events have additional attributes related to the memcached protocol: cmd, key, res (result) and val. Also, boolean attributes are created for the various commands, misses and errors: Memc_CMD where CMD is a memcached command (get, set, delete, etc.), Memc_error and Memc_miss.

These attributes are no different from slow log attributes, so you can use them with ``--[no]report'', ``--group-by'', in a ``--filter'', etc.

These attributes and more are documented at <>.


The default output is a query analysis report. The ``--[no]report'' option controls whether or not this report is printed. Sometimes you may wish to parse all the queries but suppress the report, for example when using ``--print'', ``--review'' or ``--save-results''.

There is one paragraph for each class of query analyzed. A ``class'' of queries all have the same value for the ``--group-by'' attribute which is ``fingerprint'' by default. (See ``ATTRIBUTES''.) A fingerprint is an abstracted version of the query text with literals removed, whitespace collapsed, and so forth. The report is formatted so it's easy to paste into emails without wrapping, and all non-query lines begin with a comment, so you can save it to a .sql file and open it in your favorite syntax-highlighting text editor. There is a response-time profile at the beginning.

The output described here is controlled by ``--report-format''. That option allows you to specify what to print and in what order. The default output in the default order is described here.

The report, by default, begins with a paragraph about the entire analysis run The information is very similar to what you'll see for each class of queries in the log, but it doesn't have some information that would be too expensive to keep globally for the analysis. It also has some statistics about the code's excution itself, such as the CPU and memory usage, the local date and time of the run, and a list of input file read/parsed.

Following this is the response-time profile over the events. This is a highly summarized view of the unique events in the detailed query report that follows. Here is a sample:

   # Rank Query ID           Response time    Calls   R/Call     Item
   # ==== ================== ================ ======= ========== ====
   #    1 0x31DA25F95494CA95     0.1494 99.9%       1   0.149435 SHOW
   #    2 0x3AEAAD0E15D725B5     0.0001  0.1%       2   0.000041 SET
   #    3 0x813031B8BBC3B329     0.0000  0.0%       1   0.000015 COMMIT

The columns should be fairly self-explanatory: rank, query ID, response time sum and percentage of total; number of calls and response time per call; and the distilled query (see ``distill'' for more detail on this).

Next, the detailed query report is printed. Each query appears in a paragraph. Here is a sample, slightly reformatted so 'perldoc' will not wrap lines in a terminal. The following will all be one paragraph, but we'll break it up for commentary.

  # Query 2: 0.01 QPS, 0.02x conc, ID 0xFDEA8D2993C9CAF3 at byte 160665

This line identifies the sequential number of the query in the sort order specified by ``--order-by''. Then there's the queries per second, and the approximate concurrency for this query (calculated as a function of the timespan and total Query_time). Next there's a query ID. This ID is a hex version of the query's checksum in the database, if you're using ``--review''. You can select the reviewed query's details from the database with a query like "SELECT .... WHERE checksum=0xFDEA8D2993C9CAF3".

Finally, in case you want to find a sample of the query in the log file, there's the byte offset where you can look. (This is not always accurate, due to some silly anomalies in the slow-log format, but it's usually right.) The position refers to the worst sample, which we'll see more about below.

Next is the table of metrics about this class of queries.

  #           pct   total    min    max     avg     95%  stddev  median
  # Count       0       2
  # Exec time  13   1105s   552s   554s    553s    554s      2s    553s
  # Lock time   0   216us   99us  117us   108us   117us    12us   108us
  # Rows sent  20   6.26M  3.13M  3.13M   3.13M   3.13M   12.73   3.13M
  # Rows exam   0   6.26M  3.13M  3.13M   3.13M   3.13M   12.73   3.13M

The first line is column headers for the table. The percentage is the percent of the total for the whole analysis run, and the total is the actual value of the specified metric. For example, in this case we can see that the query executed 2 times, which is 13% of the total number of queries in the file. The min, max and avg columns are self-explanatory. The 95% column shows the 95th percentile; 95% of the values are less than or equal to this value. The standard deviation shows you how tightly grouped the values are. The standard deviation and median are both calculated from the 95th percentile, discarding the extremely large values.

The stddev, median and 95th percentile statistics are approximate. Exact statistics require keeping every value seen, sorting, and doing some calculations on them. This uses a lot of memory. To avoid this, we keep 1000 buckets, each of them 5% bigger than the one before, ranging from .000001 up to a very big number. When we see a value we increment the bucket into which it falls. Thus we have fixed memory per class of queries. The drawback is the imprecision, which typically falls in the 5 percent range.

Next we have statistics on the users, databases and time range for the query.

  # Users       1   user1
  # Databases   2     db1(1), db2(1)
  # Time range 2008-11-26 04:55:18 to 2008-11-27 00:15:15

The users and databases are shown as a count of distinct values, followed by the values. If there's only one, it's shown alone; if there are many, we show each of the most frequent ones, followed by the number of times it appears.

  # Query_time distribution
  #   1us
  #  10us
  # 100us
  #   1ms
  #  10ms
  # 100ms
  #    1s
  #  10s+  #############################################################

The execution times show a logarithmic chart of time clustering. Each query goes into one of the ``buckets'' and is counted up. The buckets are powers of ten. The first bucket is all values in the ``single microsecond range'' --- that is, less than 10us. The second is ``tens of microseconds,'' which is from 10us up to (but not including) 100us; and so on. The charted attribute can be changed by specifying ``--report-histogram'' but is limited to time-based attributes.

  # Tables
  #    SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'table1'\G
  #    SHOW CREATE TABLE `table1`\G
  SELECT * FROM table1\G

This section is a convenience: if you're trying to optimize the queries you see in the slow log, you probably want to examine the table structure and size. These are copy-and-paste-ready commands to do that.

Finally, we see a sample of the queries in this class of query. This is not a random sample. It is the query that performed the worst, according to the sort order given by ``--order-by''. You will normally see a commented "# EXPLAIN" line just before it, so you can copy-paste the query to examine its EXPLAIN plan. But for non-SELECT queries that isn't possible to do, so the tool tries to transform the query into a roughly equivalent SELECT query, and adds that below.

If you want to find this sample event in the log, use the offset mentioned above, and something like the following:

   tail -c +<offset> /path/to/file | head

See also ``--report-format''.


A ``query review'' is the process of storing all the query fingerprints analyzed. This has several benefits:
You can add meta-data to classes of queries, such as marking them for follow-up, adding notes to queries, or marking them with an issue ID for your issue tracking system.
You can refer to the stored values on subsequent runs so you'll know whether you've seen a query before. This can help you cut down on duplicated work.
You can store historical data such as the row count, query times, and generally anything you can see in the report.

To use this feature, you run mk-query-digest with the ``--review'' option. It will store the fingerprints and other information into the table you specify. Next time you run it with the same option, it will do the following:

It won't show you queries you've already reviewed. A query is considered to be already reviewed if you've set a value for the "reviewed_by" column. (If you want to see queries you've already reviewed, use the ``--report-all'' option.)
Queries that you've reviewed, and don't appear in the output, will cause gaps in the query number sequence in the first line of each paragraph. And the value you've specified for ``--limit'' will still be honored. So if you've reviewed all queries in the top 10 and you ask for the top 10, you won't see anything in the output.
If you want to see the queries you've already reviewed, you can specify ``--report-all''. Then you'll see the normal analysis output, but you'll also see the information from the review table, just below the execution time graph. For example,
   # Review information
   #      comments: really bad IN() subquery, fix soon!
   #    first_seen: 2008-12-01 11:48:57
   #   jira_ticket: 1933
   #     last_seen: 2008-12-18 11:49:07
   #      priority: high
   #   reviewed_by: xaprb
   #   reviewed_on: 2008-12-18 15:03:11

You can see how useful this meta-data is --- as you analyze your queries, you get your comments integrated right into the report.

If you add the ``--review-history'' option, it will also store information into a separate database table, so you can keep historical trending information on classes of queries.


A query fingerprint is the abstracted form of a query, which makes it possible to group similar queries together. Abstracting a query removes literal values, normalizes whitespace, and so on. For example, consider these two queries:
   SELECT name, password FROM user WHERE id='12823';
   select name,   password from user
      where id=5;

Both of those queries will fingerprint to

   select name, password from user where id=?

Once the query's fingerprint is known, we can then talk about a query as though it represents all similar queries.

What "mk-query-digest" does is analogous to a GROUP BY statement in SQL. (But note that ``multiple columns'' doesn't define a multi-column grouping; it defines multiple reports!) If your command-line looks like this,

   mk-query-digest /path/to/slow.log --select Rows_read,Rows_sent \
       --group-by fingerprint --order-by Query_time:sum --limit 10

The corresponding pseudo-SQL looks like this:

   SELECT WORST(query BY Query_time), SUM(Query_time), ...
   FROM /path/to/slow.log
   ORDER BY SUM(Query_time) DESC
   LIMIT 10

You can also use the value "distill", which is a kind of super-fingerprint. See ``--group-by'' for more.

When parsing memcached input (``--type'' memcached), the fingerprint is an abstracted version of the command and key, with placeholders removed. For example, ``get user_123_preferences'' fingerprints to ``get user_?_preferences''. There is also a ``key_print'' which a fingerprinted version of the key. This example's key_print is ``user_?_preferences''.

Query fingerprinting accommodates a great many special cases, which have proven necessary in the real world. For example, an IN list with 5 literals is really equivalent to one with 4 literals, so lists of literals are collapsed to a single one. If you want to understand more about how and why all of these cases are handled, please review the test cases in the Subversion repository. If you find something that is not fingerprinted properly, please submit a bug report with a reproducible test case. Here is a list of transformations during fingerprinting, which might not be exhaustive:

Group all SELECT queries from mysqldump together, even if they are against different tables. Ditto for all of mk-table-checksum's checksum queries.
Shorten multi-value INSERT statements to a single VALUES() list.
Strip comments.
Abstract the databases in USE statements, so all USE statements are grouped together.
Replace all literals, such as quoted strings. For efficiency, the code that replaces literal numbers is somewhat non-selective, and might replace some things as numbers when they really are not. Hexadecimal literals are also replaced. NULL is treated as a literal. Numbers embedded in identifiers are also replaced, so tables named similarly will be fingerprinted to the same values (e.g. users_2009 and users_2010 will fingerprint identically).
Collapse all whitespace into a single space.
Lowercase the entire query.
Replace all literals inside of IN() and VALUES() lists with a single placeholder, regardless of cardinality.
Collapse multiple identical UNION queries into a single one.


DSN values in ``--review-history'' default to values in ``--review'' if COPY is yes.
Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL.
type: array; default: db|Schema

List of attribute|alias,etc.

Certain attributes have multiple names, like db and Schema. If an event does not have the priamry attribute, mk-query-digest looks for an alias attribute. If it finds an alias, it creates the primary attribute with the alias attribute's value and removes the alias attribute.

If the event has the primary attribute, all alias attributes are deleted.

This helps to simplify event attributes so that, for example, there will not be report lines for both db and Schema.

type: int; default: 4294967296

A sanity limit for attribute values.

This option deals with bugs in slow-logging functionality that causes large values for attributes. If the attribute's value is bigger than this, the last-seen value for that class of query is used instead.

type: DSN

Auxiliary DSN used for special options.

The following options may require a DSN even when only parsing a slow log file:

   * L<"--since">
   * L<"--until">

See each option for why it might require a DSN.

short form: -A; type: string

Default character set. If the value is utf8, sets Perl's binmode on STDOUT to utf8, passes the mysql_enable_utf8 option to DBD::mysql, and runs SET NAMES UTF8 after connecting to MySQL. Any other value sets binmode on STDOUT without the utf8 layer, and runs SET NAMES after connecting to MySQL.

type: int; default: 1000

Stop checking for new attributes after this many events.

For better speed, mk-query-digest stops checking events for new attributes after a certain number of events. Any new attributes after this number will be ignored and will not be reported.

One special case is new attributes for pre-existing query classes (see ``--group-by'' about query classes). New attributes will not be added to pre-existing query classes even if the attributes are detected before the ``--check-attributes-limit'' limit.

type: Array

Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line.

default: yes

Continue parsing even if there is an error.

Create the ``--review-history'' table if it does not exist.

This option causes the table specified by ``--review-history'' to be created with the default structure shown in the documentation for that option.

Create the ``--review'' table if it does not exist.

This option causes the table specified by ``--review'' to be created with the default structure shown in the documentation for that option.

Fork to the background and detach from the shell. POSIX operating systems only.
short form: -F; type: string

Only read mysql options from the given file. You must give an absolute pathname.

type: array

Two Perl regex patterns to capture pseudo-attributes embedded in queries.

Embedded attributes might be special attribute-value pairs that you've hidden in comments. The first regex should match the entire set of attributes (in case there are multiple). The second regex should match and capture attribute-value pairs from the first regex.

For example, suppose your query looks like the following:

   SELECT * from users -- file: /login.php, line: 493;

You might run mk-query-digest with the following option:

   mk-query-digest --embedded-attributes ' -- .*','(\w+): ([^\,]+)'

The first regular expression captures the whole comment:

   " -- file: /login.php, line: 493;"

The second one splits it into attribute-value pairs and adds them to the event:

    =========  ==========
    file       /login.php
    line       493

NOTE: All commas in the regex patterns must be escaped with \ otherwise the pattern will break.

type: DSN

Execute queries on this DSN.

Adds a callback into the chain, after filters but before the reports. Events are executed on this DSN. If they are successful, the time they take to execute overwrites the event's Query_time attribute. If unsuccessful, the callback returns false and terminates the chain.

If the connection fails, mk-query-digest tries to reconnect once per second.

See also ``--mirror'' and ``--execute-throttle''.

type: array

Throttle values for ``--execute''.

By default ``--execute'' runs without any limitations or concerns for the amount of time that it takes to execute the events. The ``--execute-throttle'' allows you to limit the amount of time spent doing ``--execute'' relative to the other processes that handle events. This works by marking some events with a "Skip_exec" attribute when ``--execute'' begins to take too much time. ``--execute'' will not execute an event if this attribute is true. This indirectly decreases the time spent doing ``--execute''.

The ``--execute-throttle'' option takes at least two comma-separated values: max allowed ``--execute'' time as a percentage and a check interval time. An optional third value is a percentage step for increasing and decreasing the probability that an event will be marked "Skip_exec" true. 5 (percent) is the default step.

For example: ``--execute-throttle'' "70,60,10". This will limit ``--execute'' to 70% of total event processing time, checked every minute (60 seconds) and probability stepped up and down by 10%. When ``--execute'' exceeds 70%, the probability that events will be marked "Skip_exec" true increases by 10%. ``--execute'' time is checked again after another minute. If it's still above 70%, then the probability will increase another 10%. Or, if it's dropped below 70%, then the probability will decrease by 10%.

type: array; default: 5,10

Explain items when there are more or fewer than expected.

Defines the number of items expected to be seen in the report given by ``--[no]report'', as controlled by ``--limit'' and ``--outliers''. If there are more or fewer items in the report, each one will explain why it was included.

type: DSN

Run EXPLAIN for the sample query with this DSN and print results.

This works only when ``--group-by'' includes fingerprint. It causes mk-query-digest to run EXPLAIN and include the output into the report. For safety, queries that appear to have a subquery that EXPLAIN will execute won't be EXPLAINed. Those are typically ``derived table'' queries of the form

   select ... from ( select .... ) der;
type: string

Discard events for which this Perl code doesn't return true.

This option is a string of Perl code or a file containing Perl code that gets compiled into a subroutine with one argument: $event. This is a hashref. If the given value is a readable file, then mk-query-digest reads the entire file and uses its contents as the code. The file should not contain a shebang (#!/usr/bin/perl) line.

If the code returns true, the chain of callbacks continues; otherwise it ends. The code is the last statement in the subroutine other than "return $event". The subroutine template is:

   sub { $event = shift; filter && return $event; }

Filters given on the command line are wrapped inside parentheses like like "( filter )". For complex, multi-line filters, you must put the code inside a file so it will not be wrapped inside parentheses. Either way, the filter must produce syntactically valid code given the template. For example, an if-else branch given on the command line would not be valid:

   --filter 'if () { } else { }'  # WRONG

Since it's given on the command line, the if-else branch would be wrapped inside parentheses which is not syntactically valid. So to accomplish something more complex like this would require putting the code in a file, for example filter.txt:

   my $event_ok; if (...) { $event_ok=1; } else { $event_ok=0; } $event_ok

Then specify "--filter filter.txt" to read the code from filter.txt.

If the filter code won't compile, mk-query-digest will die with an error. If the filter code does compile, an error may still occur at runtime if the code tries to do something wrong (like pattern match an undefined value). mk-query-digest does not provide any safeguards so code carefully!

An example filter that discards everything but SELECT statements:

   --filter '$event->{arg} =~ m/^select/i'

This is compiled into a subroutine like the following:

   sub { $event = shift; ( $event->{arg} =~ m/^select/i ) && return $event; }

It is permissible for the code to have side effects (to alter $event).

You can find an explanation of the structure of $event at <>.

Here are more examples of filter code:

Host/IP matches
--filter '($event->{host} || $event->{ip} || "") =~ m/'

Sometimes MySQL logs the host where the IP is expected. Therefore, we check both.

User matches john
--filter '($event->{user} || "") =~ m/john/'
More than 1 warning
--filter '($event->{Warning_count} || 0) > 1'
Query does full table scan or full join
--filter '(($event->{Full_scan} || "``) eq ''Yes``) || (($event->{Full_join} || ''``) eq ''Yes")'
Query was not served from query cache
--filter '($event->{QC_Hit} || "``) eq ''No"'
Query is 1 MB or larger
--filter '$event->{bytes} >= 1_048_576'
Add query fingerprints to the standard query analysis report. This is mostly useful for debugging purposes.
default: yes

Print extra information to make analysis easy.

This option adds code snippets to make it easy to run SHOW CREATE TABLE and SHOW TABLE STATUS for the query's tables. It also rewrites non-SELECT queries into a SELECT that might be helpful for determining the non-SELECT statement's index usage.

type: Array; default: fingerprint

Which attribute of the events to group by.

In general, you can group queries into classes based on any attribute of the query, such as "user" or "db", which will by default show you which users and which databases get the most "Query_time". The default attribute, "fingerprint", groups similar, abstracted queries into classes; see below and see also ``FINGERPRINTS''.

A report is printed for each ``--group-by'' value (unless "--no-report" is given). Therefore, "--group-by user,db" means ``report on queries with the same user and report on queries with the same db''--it does not mean ``report on queries with the same user and db.'' See also ``OUTPUT''.

Every value must have a corresponding value in the same position in ``--order-by''. However, adding values to ``--group-by'' will automatically add values to ``--order-by'', for your convenience.

There are several magical values that cause some extra data mining to happen before the grouping takes place:

This causes events to be fingerprinted to abstract queries into a canonical form, which is then used to group events together into a class. See ``FINGERPRINTS'' for more about fingerprinting.
This causes events to be inspected for what appear to be tables, and then aggregated by that. Note that a query that contains two or more tables will be counted as many times as there are tables; so a join against two tables will count the Query_time against both tables.
This is a sort of super-fingerprint that collapses queries down into a suggestion of what they do, such as "INSERT SELECT table1 table2".

If parsing memcached input (``--type'' memcached), there are other attributes which you can group by: key_print (see memcached section in ``FINGERPRINTS''), cmd, key, res and val (see memcached section in ``ATTRIBUTES'').
default: yes

Gzip ``--save-results'' files; requires IO::Compress::Gzip.

Show help and exit.
short form: -h; type: string

Connect to host.

type: array; default: arg, cmd, insert_id, ip, port, Thread_id, timestamp, exptime, flags, key, res, val, server_id, offset, end_log_pos, Xid

Do not aggregate these attributes when auto-detecting ``--select''.

If you do not specify ``--select'' then mk-query-digest auto-detects and aggregates every attribute that it finds in the slow log. Some attributes, however, should not be aggregated. This option allows you to specify a list of attributes to ignore. This only works when no explicit ``--select'' is given.

type: array; default: db,ts

If missing, inherit these attributes from the last event that had them.

This option sets which attributes are inherited or carried forward to events which do not have them. For example, if one event has the db attribute equal to ``foo'', but the next event doesn't have the db attribute, then it inherits ``foo'' for its db attribute.

Inheritance is usually desirable, but in some cases it might confuse things. If a query inherits a database that it doesn't actually use, then this could confuse ``--execute''.

type: float; default: .1

How frequently to poll the processlist, in seconds.

type: int; default: 1

How many times to iterate through the collect-and-report cycle. If 0, iterate to infinity. See also ``--run-time''.

type: Array; default: 95%:20

Limit output to the given percentage or count.

If the argument is an integer, report only the top N worst queries. If the argument is an integer followed by the "%" sign, report that percentage of the worst queries. If the percentage is followed by a colon and another integer, report the top percentage or the number specified by that integer, whichever comes first.

The value is actually a comma-separated array of values, one for each item in ``--group-by''. If you don't specify a value for any of those items, the default is the top 95%.

See also ``--outliers''.

type: string

Print all output to this file when daemonized.

type: float

How often to check whether connections should be moved, depending on "read_only". Requires ``--processlist'' and ``--execute''.

This option causes mk-query-digest to check every N seconds whether it is reading from a read-write server and executing against a read-only server, which is a sensible way to set up two servers if you're doing something like master-master replication. The <> master-master toolkit does this. The aim is to keep the passive server ready for failover, which is impossible without putting it under a realistic workload.

type: Array; default: Query_time:sum

Sort events by this attribute and aggregate function.

This is a comma-separated list of order-by expressions, one for each ``--group-by'' attribute. The default "Query_time:sum" is used for ``--group-by'' attributes without explicitly given ``--order-by'' attributes (that is, if you specify more ``--group-by'' attributes than corresponding ``--order-by'' attributes). The syntax is "attribute:aggregate". See ``ATTRIBUTES'' for valid attributes. Valid aggregates are:

    Aggregate Meaning
    ========= ============================
    sum       Sum/total attribute value
    min       Minimum attribute value
    max       Maximum attribute value
    cnt       Frequency/count of the query

For example, the default "Query_time:sum" means that queries in the query analysis report will be ordered (sorted) by their total query execution time (``Exec time''). "Query_time:max" orders the queries by their maximum query execution time, so the query with the single largest "Query_time" will be list first. "cnt" refers more to the frequency of the query as a whole, how often it appears; ``Count'' is its corresponding line in the query analysis report. So any attribute and "cnt" should yield the same report wherein queries are sorted by the number of times they appear.

When parsing general logs (``--type'' "genlog"), the default ``--order-by'' becomes "Query_time:cnt". General logs do not report query times so only the "cnt" aggregate makes sense because all query times are zero.

If you specify an attribute that doesn't exist in the events, then mk-query-digest falls back to the default "Query_time:sum" and prints a notice at the beginning of the report for each query class.

type: array; default: Query_time:1:10

Report outliers by attribute:percentile:count.

The syntax of this option is a comma-separated list of colon-delimited strings. The first field is the attribute by which an outlier is defined. The second is a number that is compared to the attribute's 95th percentile. The third is optional, and is compared to the attribute's cnt aggregate. Queries that pass this specification are added to the report, regardless of any limits you specified in ``--limit''.

For example, to report queries whose 95th percentile Query_time is at least 60 seconds and which are seen at least 5 times, use the following argument:

   --outliers Query_time:60:5

You can specify an --outliers option for each value in ``--group-by''.

short form: -p; type: string

Password to use when connecting.

type: string

Create the given PID file when daemonized. The file contains the process ID of the daemonized instance. The PID file is removed when the daemonized instance exits. The program checks for the existence of the PID file when starting; if it exists and the process with the matching PID exists, the program exits.

Print a profile of the pipeline processes.
short form: -P; type: int

Port number to use for connection.

Print log events to STDOUT in standard slow-query-log format.
Print the start time for each ``--iterations''.

This option causes a line like the following to be printed at the start of each ``--iterations'' report:

   # Iteration 2 started at 2009-11-24T14:39:48.345780

This line will print even if "--no-report" is specified. If "--iterations 0" is specified, each iteration number will be 0.

type: DSN

Poll this DSN's processlist for queries, with ``--interval'' sleep between.

If the connection fails, mk-query-digest tries to reopen it once per second. See also ``--mirror''.

type: time; default: 0

Wait this long for an event from the input; 0 to wait forever.

This option sets the maximum time to wait for an event from the input. It applies to all types of input except ``--processlist''. If an event is not received after the specified time, the script stops reading the input and prints its reports. If ``--iterations'' is 0 or greater than 1, the next iteration will begin, else the script will exit.

This option requires the Perl POSIX module.

default: yes

Print out reports on the aggregate results from ``--group-by''.

This is the standard slow-log analysis functionality. See ``OUTPUT'' for the description of what this does and what the results look like.

Include all queries, even if they have already been reviewed.
type: Array; default: rusage,date,files,header,profile,query_report,prepared

Print these sections of the query analysis report.

   ============ ==============================================================
   rusgae       CPU times and memory usage reported by ps
   date         Current local date and time
   files        Input files read/parse
   header       Summary of the entire analysis run
   profile      Compact table of queries for a quick view of the report
   query_report Detailed information about each unique query
   prepared     Prepared statements

The sections are printed in the order specified. The rusage, date, files and header sections are grouped together if specified together; other sections are separted by blank lines.

See ``OUTPUT'' for more information on the various parts of the query report.

type: string; default: Query_time

Chart the distribution of this attribute's values.

The distribution chart is limited to time-based attributes, so charting "Rows_examined", for example, will produce a useless chart.

type: DSN

Store a sample of each class of query in this DSN.

The argument specifies a table to store all unique query fingerprints in. The table must have at least the following columns. You can add more columns for your own special purposes, but they won't be used by mk-query-digest. The following CREATE TABLE definition is also used for ``--create-review-table''. MAGIC_create_review:

   CREATE TABLE query_review (
      fingerprint  TEXT NOT NULL,
      sample       TEXT NOT NULL,
      first_seen   DATETIME,
      last_seen    DATETIME,
      reviewed_by  VARCHAR(20),
      reviewed_on  DATETIME,
      comments     TEXT

The columns are as follows:

   ===========  ===============
   checksum     A 64-bit checksum of the query fingerprint
   fingerprint  The abstracted version of the query; its primary key
   sample       The query text of a sample of the class of queries
   first_seen   The smallest timestamp of this class of queries
   last_seen    The largest timestamp of this class of queries
   reviewed_by  Initially NULL; if set, query is skipped thereafter
   reviewed_on  Initially NULL; not assigned any special meaning
   comments     Initially NULL; not assigned any special meaning

Note that the "fingerprint" column is the true primary key for a class of queries. The "checksum" is just a cryptographic hash of this value, which provides a shorter value that is very likely to also be unique.

After parsing and aggregating events, your table should contain a row for each fingerprint. This option depends on "--group-by fingerprint" (which is the default). It will not work otherwise.

type: DSN

The table in which to store historical values for review trend analysis.

Each time you review queries with ``--review'', mk-query-digest will save information into this table so you can see how classes of queries have changed over time.

This DSN inherits unspecified values from ``--review''. It should mention a table in which to store statistics about each class of queries. mk-query-digest verifies the existence of the table, and your privileges to insert, delete and update on that table.

mk-query-digest then inspects the columns in the table. The table must have at least the following columns:

   CREATE TABLE query_review_history (
     checksum     BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
     sample       TEXT NOT NULL

Any columns not mentioned above are inspected to see if they follow a certain naming convention. The column is special if the name ends with an underscore followed by any of these MAGIC_history_cols values:


If the column ends with one of those values, then the prefix is interpreted as the event attribute to store in that column, and the suffix is interpreted as the metric to be stored. For example, a column named Query_time_min will be used to store the minimum Query_time for the class of events. The presence of this column will also add Query_time to the ``--select'' list.

The table should also have a primary key, but that is up to you, depending on how you want to store the historical data. We suggest adding ts_min and ts_max columns and making them part of the primary key along with the checksum. But you could also just add a ts_min column and make it a DATE type, so you'd get one row per class of queries per day.

The default table structure follows. The following MAGIC_create_review_history table definition is used for ``--create-review-history-table'':

  CREATE TABLE query_review_history (
    checksum             BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    sample               TEXT NOT NULL,
    ts_min               DATETIME,
    ts_max               DATETIME,
    ts_cnt               FLOAT,
    Query_time_sum       FLOAT,
    Query_time_min       FLOAT,
    Query_time_max       FLOAT,
    Query_time_pct_95    FLOAT,
    Query_time_stddev    FLOAT,
    Query_time_median    FLOAT,
    Lock_time_sum        FLOAT,
    Lock_time_min        FLOAT,
    Lock_time_max        FLOAT,
    Lock_time_pct_95     FLOAT,
    Lock_time_stddev     FLOAT,
    Lock_time_median     FLOAT,
    Rows_sent_sum        FLOAT,
    Rows_sent_min        FLOAT,
    Rows_sent_max        FLOAT,
    Rows_sent_pct_95     FLOAT,
    Rows_sent_stddev     FLOAT,
    Rows_sent_median     FLOAT,
    Rows_examined_sum    FLOAT,
    Rows_examined_min    FLOAT,
    Rows_examined_max    FLOAT,
    Rows_examined_pct_95 FLOAT,
    Rows_examined_stddev FLOAT,
    Rows_examined_median FLOAT,
    PRIMARY KEY(checksum, ts_min, ts_max)

Note that we store the count (cnt) for the ts attribute only; it will be redundant to store this for other attributes.

type: time

How long to run before exiting. The default is to run forever (you can interrupt with CTRL-C). See also ``--iterations''.

type: int

Filter out all but the first N occurrences of each query. The queries are filtered on the first value in ``--group-by'', so by default, this will filter by query fingerprint. For example, "--sample 2" will permit two sample queries for each fingerprint. Useful in conjunction with ``--print'' to print out the queries. You probably want to set "--no-report" to avoid the overhead of aggregating and reporting if you're just using this to print out samples of queries. A complete example:

   mk-query-digest --sample 2 --no-report --print slow.log
type: string

Save results to the specified file.

If ``--[no]gzip'' is true (by default it is) then .gz is appended to the file name.

type: Array

Compute aggregate statistics for these attributes.

By default mk-query-digest auto-detects, aggregates and prints metrics for every query attribute that it finds in the slow query log. This option specifies a list of only the attributes that you want. You can specify an alternative attribute with a colon. For example, "db:Schema" uses db if it's available, and Schema if it's not.

Previously, mk-query-digest only aggregated these attributes:


Attributes specified in the ``--review-history'' table will always be selected even if you do not specify ``--select''.

See also ``--ignore-attributes'' and ``ATTRIBUTES''.

type: string; default: wait_timeout=10000

Set these MySQL variables. Immediately after connecting to MySQL, this string will be appended to SET and executed.

type: int; default: 1024

Shorten long statements in reports.

Shortens long statements, replacing the omitted portion with a "/*... omitted ...*/" comment. This applies only to the output in reports, not to information stored for ``--review'' or other places. It prevents a large statement from causing difficulty in a report. The argument is the preferred length of the shortened statement. Not all statements can be shortened, but very large INSERT and similar statements often can; and so can IN() lists, although only the first such list in the statement will be shortened.

If it shortens something beyond recognition, you can find the original statement in the log, at the offset shown in the report header (see ``OUTPUT'').

type: Hash

Show all values for these attributes.

By default mk-query-digest only shows as many of an attribute's value that fit on a single line. This option allows you to specify attributes for which all values will be shown (line width is ignored). This only works for attributes with string values like user, host, db, etc. Multiple attributes can be specified, comma-separated.

type: string

Parse only queries newer than this value (parse queries since this date).

This option allows you to ignore queries older than a certain value and parse only those queries which are more recent than the value. The value can be several types:

   * Simple time value N with optional suffix: N[shmd], where
     s=seconds, h=hours, m=minutes, d=days (default s if no suffix
     given); this is like saying "since N[shmd] ago"
   * Full date with optional hours:minutes:seconds:
   * Short, MySQL-style date:
   * Any time expression evaluated by MySQL:

If you give a MySQL time expression, then you must also specifiy a DSN so that mk-query-digest can connect to MySQL to evalue the expression. If you specify ``--execute'', ``--explain'', ``--processlist'', ``--review'' or ``--review-history'', then one of these DSNs will be used automatically. Otherwise, you must specify an ``--aux-dsn'' or mk-query-digest will die saying that the value is invalid.

The MySQL time expression is warpped inside a query like ``SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(<expression>)'', so be sure that the expression is valid inside this query. For example, do not use UNIX_TIMESTAMP() because UNIX_TIMESTAMP(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) returns 0.

Events are assumed to be in chronological---older events at the beginning of the log and newer events at the end of the log. ``--since'' is strict: it ignores all queries until one is found that is new enough. Therefore, if the query events are not consistently timestamped, some may be ignored which are actually new enough.

See also ``--until''.

short form: -S; type: string

Socket file to use for connection.

Print statistics.
Print a table access report.

The table access report shows which tables are accessed by all the queries and if the access is a read or write. The report looks like:

   write `baz`.`tbl`
   read `baz`.`new_tbl`
   write `baz`.`tbl3`
   write `db6`.`tbl6`

If you pipe the output to sort, the read and write tables will be grouped together and sorted alphabetically:

   read `baz`.`new_tbl`
   write `baz`.`tbl`
   write `baz`.`tbl3`
   write `db6`.`tbl6`
type: string

Write the tcpdump data to this file on error. If mk-query-digest doesn't parse the stream correctly for some reason, the session's packets since the last query event will be written out to create a usable test case. If this happens, mk-query-digest will not raise an error; it will just discard the session's saved state and permit the tool to continue working. See ``tcpdump'' for more information about parsing tcpdump output.

Show a timeline of events.

This option makes mk-query-digest print another kind of report: a timeline of the events. Each query is still grouped and aggregate into classes according to ``--group-by'', but then they are printed in chronological order. The timeline report prints out the timestamp, interval, count and value of each classes.

If all you want is the timeline report, then specifiy "--no-report" to suppress the default query analysis report. Otherwise, the timeline report will be printed at the end before the response-time profile (see ``--report-format'' and ``OUTPUT'').

For example, this:

   mk-query-digest /path/to/log --group-by distill --timeline

will print something like:

   # ########################################################
   # distill report
   # ########################################################
   # 2009-07-25 11:19:27 1+00:00:01   2 SELECT foo
   # 2009-07-27 11:19:30      00:01   2 SELECT bar
   # 2009-07-27 11:30:00 1+06:30:00   2 SELECT foo
type: Array

The type of input to parse (default slowlog). The permitted types are

Parse a binary log file.
Parse a MySQL general log file. General logs lack a lot of ``ATTRIBUTES'', notably "Query_time". The default ``--order-by'' for general logs changes to "Query_time:cnt".
Parse HTTP traffic from tcpdump.
Parse a log file in PostgreSQL format. The parser will automatically recognize logs sent to syslog and transparently parse the syslog format, too. The recommended configuration for logging in your postgresql.conf is as follows.

The log_destination setting can be set to either syslog or stderr. Syslog has the added benefit of not interleaving log messages from several sessions concurrently, which the parser cannot handle, so this might be better than stderr. CSV-formatted logs are not supported at this time.

The log_min_duration_statement setting should be set to 0 to capture all statements with their durations. Alternatively, the parser will also recognize and handle various combinations of log_duration and log_statement.

You may enable log_connections and log_disconnections, but this is optional.

It is highly recommended to set your log_line_prefix to the following:

   log_line_prefix = '%m c=%c,u=%u,D=%d '

This lets the parser find timestamps with milliseconds, session IDs, users, and databases from the log. If these items are missing, you'll simply get less information to analyze. For compatibility with other log analysis tools such as PQA and pgfouine, various log line prefix formats are supported. The general format is as follows: a timestamp can be detected and extracted (the syslog timestamp is NOT parsed), and a name=value list of properties can also. Although the suggested format is as shown above, any name=value list will be captured and interpreted by using the first letter of the 'name' part, lowercased, to determine the meaning of the item. The lowercased first letter is interpreted to mean the same thing as PostgreSQL's built-in %-codes for the log_line_prefix format string. For example, u means user, so unicorn=fred will be interpreted as user=fred; d means database, so D=john will be interpreted as database=john. The pgfouine-suggested formatting is user=%u and db=%d, so it should Just Work regardless of which format you choose. The main thing is to add as much information as possible into the log_line_prefix to permit richer analysis.

Currently, only English locale messages are supported, so if your server's locale is set to something else, the log won't be parsed properly. (Log messages with ``duration:'' and ``statement:'' won't be recognized.)

Parse a log file in any variation of MySQL slow-log format.
Inspect network packets and decode the MySQL client protocol, extracting queries and responses from it.

mk-query-digest does not actually watch the network (i.e. it does NOT ``sniff packets''). Instead, it's just parsing the output of tcpdump. You are responsible for generating this output; mk-query-digest does not do it for you. Then you send this to mk-query-digest as you would any log file: as files on the command line or to STDIN.

The parser expects the input to be formatted with the following options: "-x -n -q -tttt". For example, if you want to capture output from your local machine, you can do something like the following (the port must come last on FreeBSD):

   tcpdump -s 65535 -x -nn -q -tttt -i eth0 -c 1000 port 3306 > mysql.tcp.txt
   mk-query-digest --type tcpdump mysql.tcp.txt

The other tcpdump parameters, such as -s, -c, and -i, are up to you. Just make sure the output looks like this:

   2009-04-12 09:50:16.804849 IP > tcp 37
       0x0000:  4508 0059 6eb2 4000 4006 cde2 7f00 0001
       0x0010:  ....

Remember tcpdump has a handy -c option to stop after it captures some number of packets! That's very useful for testing your tcpdump command. Note that tcpdump can't capture traffic on a Unix socket. Read <> if you're confused about this.

All MySQL servers running on port 3306 are automatically detected in the tcpdump output. Therefore, if the tcpdump out contains packets from multiple servers on port 3306 (for example,,, etc.), all packets/queries from all these servers will be analyzed together as if they were one server.

If you're analyzing traffic for a MySQL server that is not running on port 3306, see ``--watch-server''.

Also note that mk-query-digest may fail to report the database for queries when parsing tcpdump output. The database is discovered only in the initial connect events for a new client or when <USE db> is executed. If the tcpdump output contains neither of these, then mk-query-digest cannot discover the database.

The MySQL client protocol implementation is not complete; server-side prepared statements are not yet supported, and naturally, SSL-encrypted traffic cannot be inspected and decoded.

Similar to tcpdump, but the expected input is memcached packets instead of MySQL packets. For example:
   tcpdump -i eth0 port 11211 -s 65535 -x -nn -q -tttt > memcached.tcp.txt
   mk-query-digest --type memcached memcached.tcp.txt

memcached uses port 11211 by default.

type: string

Parse only queries older than this value (parse queries until this date).

This option allows you to ignore queries newer than a certain value and parse only those queries which are older than the value. The value can be one of the same types listed for ``--since''.

Unlike ``--since'', ``--until'' is not strict: all queries are parsed until one has a timestamp that is equal to or greater than ``--until''. Then all subsequent queries are ignored.

short form: -u; type: string

User for login if not current user.

Show version and exit.
type: string

This option tells mk-query-digest which server IP address and port (like ``'') to watch when parsing tcpdump (for ``--type'' tcpdump and memcached); all other servers are ignored. If you don't specify it, mk-query-digest watches all servers by looking for any IP address using port 3306 or ``mysql''. If you're watching a server with a non-standard port, this won't work, so you must specify the IP address and port to watch.

If you want to watch a mix of servers, some running on standard port 3306 and some running on non-standard ports, you need to create separate tcpdump outputs for the non-stanard port servers and then specify this option for each. At present mk-query-digest cannot auto-detect servers on port 3306 and also be told to watch a server on a non-standard port.

default: yes

Zero out the Rows_XXX properties for administrator command events.

default: yes

Print 0% boolean values in report.


These DSN options are used to create a DSN. Each option is given like "option=value". The options are case-sensitive, so P and p are not the same option. There cannot be whitespace before or after the "=" and if the value contains whitespace it must be quoted. DSN options are comma-separated. See the maatkit manpage for full details.

dsn: charset; copy: yes

Default character set.


dsn: database; copy: yes

Database that contains the query review table.


dsn: mysql_read_default_file; copy: yes

Only read default options from the given file


dsn: host; copy: yes

Connect to host.


dsn: password; copy: yes

Password to use when connecting.


dsn: port; copy: yes

Port number to use for connection.


dsn: mysql_socket; copy: yes

Socket file to use for connection.


Table to use as the query review table.


dsn: user; copy: yes

User for login if not current user.


You can download Maatkit from Google Code at <>, or you can get any of the tools easily with a command like the following:

Where "toolname" can be replaced with the name (or fragment of a name) of any of the Maatkit tools. Once downloaded, they're ready to run; no installation is needed. The first URL gets the latest released version of the tool, and the second gets the latest trunk code from Subversion.


The environment variable "MKDEBUG" enables verbose debugging output in all of the Maatkit tools:
    MKDEBUG=1 mk-....


You need Perl and some core packages that ought to be installed in any reasonably new version of Perl.


For list of known bugs see <>.

Please use Google Code Issues and Groups to report bugs or request support: <>. You can also join #maatkit on Freenode to discuss Maatkit.

Please include the complete command-line used to reproduce the problem you are seeing, the version of all MySQL servers involved, the complete output of the tool when run with ``--version'', and if possible, debugging output produced by running with the "MKDEBUG=1" environment variable.


This program is copyright 2007-2010 Baron Schwartz. Feedback and improvements are welcome.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License. On UNIX and similar systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man perlartistic' to read these licenses.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.


Baron Schwartz, Daniel Nichter


This tool is part of Maatkit, a toolkit for power users of MySQL. Maatkit was created by Baron Schwartz; Baron and Daniel Nichter are the primary code contributors. Both are employed by Percona. Financial support for Maatkit development is primarily provided by Percona and its clients.


This manual page documents Ver 0.9.18 Distrib 6457 $Revision: 6453 $.