
Langue: en

Version: May 2010 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


pbes2bool - Generate a BES from a PBES and solve it, unless indicated otherwise


pbes2bool [OPTION]...[INFILE [OUTFILE]]


Solves PBES from INFILE, or if so indicated writes an equivalent BES to OUTFILE. If INFILE is not present, stdin is used. If OUTFILE is not present, stdout is used.


OPTION can be any of the following:
-c, --counter
print at the end a tree labelled with instantiations of the left hand side of equations; this tree is an indication of how pbes2bool came to the validity or invalidity of the PBES
-H, --hashtables
use hashtables when substituting in bes equations, and translate internal expressions to binary decision diagrams (discouraged, due to performance)
-oFORMAT, --output=FORMAT
use output format FORMAT:
 'none' (default),
 'pbes' (save as a PBES in internal format),
-p[NAME], --pbes-rewriter[=NAME]
use pbes rewrite strategy NAME:
  'simplify' for simplification
  'quantifier-all' for eliminating all quantifiers
  'quantifier-finite' for eliminating finite quantifier variables
  'pfnf' for rewriting into PFNF normal form
-rNAME, --rewriter=NAME
use rewrite strategy NAME:
  'jitty' for jitty rewriting (default),
  'jittyp' for jitty rewriting with prover,
  'jittyc' for compiled jitty rewriting,
  'inner' for innermost rewriting,
  'innerp' for innermost rewriting with prover, or
  'innerc' for compiled innermost rewriting
-sSTRAT, --strategy=STRAT
use strategy STRAT (default '0');
 0) Compute all boolean equations which can be reached from the initial state, 
 without optimization (default). This is is the most data efficient option per 
 generated equation.
 1) Optimize by immediately substituting the right hand sides for already 
 investigated variables that are true or false when generating an expression. 
 This is as memory efficient as 0.
 2) In addition to 1, also substitute variables that are true or false into an 
 already generated right hand side. This can mean that certain variables become 
 unreachable (e.g. X0 in X0 && X1, when X1 becomes false, assuming X0 does not 
 occur elsewhere. It will be maintained which variables have become unreachable 
 as these do not have to be investigated. Depending on the PBES, this can 
 reduce the size of the generated BES substantially but requires a larger 
 memory footprint.
 3) In addition to 2, investigate for generated variables whether they occur on 
 a loop, such that they can be set to true or false, depending on the fixed 
 point symbol. This can increase the time needed to generate an equation 
-t, --tree
store state in a tree (for memory efficiency)
-u, --unused_data
do not remove unused parts of the data specification
Standard options:
-q, --quiet
do not display warning messages
-v, --verbose
display short intermediate messages
-d, --debug
display detailed intermediate messages
-h, --help
display help information
display version information


Written by Jan Friso Groote.


Report bugs at <http://www.mcrl2.org/issuetracker>. Copyright © 2010 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the Boost Software License <http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt>. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


See also the manual at <http://www.mcrl2.org/mcrl2/wiki/index.php/User_manual/pbes2bool>.