
Langue: en

Version: 2009-03-08 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


s3rm - Delete Amazon AWS S3 items


s3rm [options] [bucket/item ...]
    --access-key    AWS Access Key ID
    --secret-key    AWS Secret Access Key


Print a brief help message and exits.
Prints the manual page and exits.
Print a message for each created bucket.
--access-key and --secret-key
Specify the ``AWS Access Key Identifiers'' for the AWS account. --access-key is the ``Access Key ID'', and --secret-key is the ``Secret Access Key''. These are effectively the ``username'' and ``password'' to the AWS account, and should be kept confidential.

The access keys MUST be specified, either via these command line parameters, or via the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables.

Specifying them on the command line overrides the environment variables.

Uses SSL/TLS HTTPS to communicate with the AWS service, instead of HTTP.


Specify the ``AWS Access Key Identifiers'' for the AWS account. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID contains the ``Access Key ID'', and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET contains the ``Secret Access Key''. These are effectively the ``username'' and ``password'' to the AWS service, and should be kept confidential.

The access keys MUST be specified, either via these environment variables, or via the --access-key and --secret-key command line parameters.

If the command line parameters are set, they override these environment variables.


The configuration options will be read from the file "~/.s3-tools" if it exists. The format is the same as the command line options with one option per line. For example, the file could contain:
     --access-key <AWS access key>
     --secret-key <AWS secret key>

This example configuration file would specify the AWS access keys and that a secure connection using HTTPS should be used for all communications.


Delete items in the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).


Report bugs to Mark Atwood mark@fallenpegasus.com.

Occasionally the S3 service will randomly fail for no externally apparent reason. When that happens, this tool should retry, with a delay and a backoff.

Access to the S3 service can be authenticated with a X.509 certificate, instead of via the ``AWS Access Key Identifiers''. This tool should support that.

It might be useful to be able to specify the ``AWS Access Key Identifiers'' in the user's "~/.netrc" file. This tool should support that.

Some errors and warnings are very ``Perl-ish'', and can be confusing.


Written by Mark Atwood mark@fallenpegasus.com.

Many thanks to Wotan LLC <http://wotanllc.com>, for supporting the development of these S3 tools.

Many thanks to the Amazon AWS engineers for developing S3.


These tools use the Net::Amazon:S3 Perl module.

The Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is documented at <http://aws.amazon.com/s3>.