
Langue: en

Version: 330223 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


u1sync - locally mirror an Ubuntu One share or storage volume


u1sync [OPTION]... [DIRECTORY]
u1sync --authorize [OPTION]...
u1sync --list-shares [OPTION]...
u1sync --init [--share=SHARE_UUID] [--subtree=PATH] [OPTION]... DIRECTORY
u1sync --diff [--share=SHARE_UUID] [--subtree=PATH] [OPTION]... DIRECTORY


u1sync synchronizes a local directory with the Ubuntu One storage service. It can also be used to authorize a new machine for use with Ubuntu One or compare the contents of a local directory with contents stored in the storage service.

To initialize a directory for use as a mirror of your Ubuntu One Storage volume, use the --init option and supply the name of the directory to initialize as a mirror. The directory will be created if it doesn't already exist. u1sync operates separately from the Ubuntu One synchronization daemon and shouldn't normally be used with directories under "$HOME/Ubuntu One" (although --diff is always safe).

Once the directory has been initialized, running u1sync within it (or by supplying the directory as an argument) will bring the mirror up to date. Subsequent changes will not be propagated until u1sync is run again. By default, synchronization is bidirectional, applying local changes to the server and server-side changes to the local mirror, although different behavior can be selected using --action.

In addition to "My Files", u1sync can also manage local mirrors of shares which have been offered to you by other users. You can use the --list-shares option to see the shares currently available to you, and the --share option can be used with --init to initialize a directory as a mirror of a particular share rather than your personal storage.

If your machine is not authorized with Ubuntu One, you can authorize it by calling u1sync with the --authorize option. It will open a browser window to conduct the authorization process using your Launchpad credentials and store the resulting token in the gnome keyring.


selects the synchronization action to use; ACTION may be one of:
apply local changes to the server (preserving non-conflicting server-side changes)
apply server-side changes to the local mirror (preserving non-conflicting local changes)
perform a bi-directional sync
make the local mirror match what is on the server
make the server match what is in the local mirror
the default; download from read-only shares, otherwise sync
authorizes your machine for use with Ubuntu One
shows the differences between the contents of a directory and your Ubuntu One storage (the directory doesn't need to be an initialized mirror)
go through the motions but don't actually modify anything
initializes the provided directory for use as a mirror
-h, --help
displays a brief help message summarizing usage and options
connects to the specified hostname rather than the default API service
lists available shares
explicitly specify an OAuth token to use rather than querying the keyring
specify a non-default port to connect to
produce less output
specify a share to mirror (instead of "My Files"); share UUIDs can be obtained from --list-shares
used with --init to set up a mirror of subtree rather than the entirety of your personal storage (or the specified share); can also be used with --diff to compare the local directory against a subtree


You can use u1sync's --diff mode to see which files in your personal storage the Ubuntu One synchronization daemon has yet to synchronize:

u1sync --diff ~/Ubuntu\ One/My\ Files

You can also check the status of files in shares in a similar fashion if you know the share's UUID (which you can obtain via --list-shares):

u1sync --diff --share=a4f57216-6086-45b6-be26-694e76ffa2f0 ~/Ubuntu\ One/Shared\ With\ Me/awesome

u1sync --authorize can be used to re-authorize a machine whose authorization token has expired; it will replace the expired token in your keyring with a new one.


This manual page was written by Tim Cole <tim.cole@canonical.com>.