
Langue: en

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Version: 113980 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


vdeq - Virtual Distributed Ethernet wrapper for QEMU virtual machines


vdeq qemu ... qemu options ... -net vde[,vlan=n][,sock=socketpath][,port=n] ... other qemu options ...
vde{qemu_name} ... qemu options ... -net vde[,vlan=n][,sock=socketpath][,port=n] ... other qemu options ...


vdeq qemu [ -m octalmode ] [ -sock socketpath [ ,socketpath [ ,... ] ] ] [ qemu_args ]
vde{qemu_name} [ -sock socketpath [ ,socketpath [ ,... ] ] ] [ qemu_args ]


vdeq is a wrapper to start a QEMU virtual machine connected to a VDE network. It uses the qemu -tun-fd parameter to set up the connection with a vde_switch.

The command

vdeq qemu -b c -hda=sampledisk
starts a qemu machine which boots from the sampledisk image and has a ne2000 ethernet interface connected to the standard vde_switch.

It is also possible to create symbolic links to the vdeq executable to have a simpler command. If the link has a name that begins with vde the remaning part of the name is taken as the qemu command. For example if vdeq is linked to vdeqemu:

vdeqemu -b c -hda=sampledisk
starts qemu as above.

The new syntax is consistent with the new Qemu 0.8.0 network parameters. Using vdeq is possible to specify a vde interface in the same way as user,tap or socket interfaces. The sock= parameter can be used to use a specific socket. Please note that what qemu names as vlan is not related to the 802.1q VLAN managed by the vde_switch. port= can be used to specify the port of the switch, otherwise the first allocatable port is assigned. The following command run a qemu VM with two ethernet interface connected to the standard switch and to the switch with local socket "/tmp/my.ctl", port 10, respectively

vde qemu -net nic,vlan=0 -net nic,vlan=1 -net vde,vlan=0 -net vde,vlan=1,sock=/tmp/my.ctl,port=10

vdeqemu -net nic,vlan=0 -net nic,vlan=1 -net vde,vlan=0 -net vde,vlan=1,sock=/tmp/my.ctl,port=10

The old syntax can be used with Qemu 0.8.0 but all the vde interfaces are assigned to vlan 0.

vdeq qemu -sock /tmp/vde.ctl,/tmp/my.ctl -b c -hda=sampledisk

vdeqemu -sock /tmp/vde.ctl,/tmp/my.ctl -b c -hda=sampledisk
both start qemu with one ethernet interface connected both to the standard switch and to the switch with local socket "/tmp/my.ctl".


-m, --mod
octalmode, specify the mode for comm socket.
socketpath, specify the UNIX socket to be used by local programs for joining the VDE. The default value is "/tmp/vde.ctl" It is also possible to indicate several socketpath (comma separated, no blanks): in this case several interfaces are defined. The first socketpath is connected to the first ne2k interface and so on.
-h, -help, --help
print a Usage help.


Qemu has changed its syntax for networking (cvs Nov.15 2005). As a temporary solution use vdeoq and vdeoqemu instead of vdeq and vdeqemu if you are running a qemu with the old syntax.


Virtual Distributed Ethernet is not related in any way with www.vde.com ("Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik" i.e. the German "Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies").


vde_switch(1), vde_plug(1), vde_plug2tap(1), dpipe(1).


VDE is a project by Renzo Davoli <renzo@cs.unibo.it>