
Langue: en

Version: 23 December 1998 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)




Reads information from the kernel sensor modules using a userspace library and displays this in graphical form in an X module designed to be dockable in the Window Maker dock.
The original code is based on wmload, currently maintained by Ryan Land.
The information is displayed in two columns so that each graph can be given extra resolution.

From top to bottom, the graphs are placed in the following order (graphs on the right hand side of the screen are indented):

First remote temperature (if available) (BRIGHT RED)
Optionally, second remote temperature (BRIGHT RED)
Motherboard (main sensor) temperature (BRIGHT RED)
               IN0 (CPU 1 core) voltage (BRIGHT GREEN)

IN3 voltage (+5V) (PURPLE)
               IN1 (I/O or CPU 2 core) voltage

IN6 voltage (-5V) (AQUAMARINE)
               IN2 voltage (+3.3V) (DARK RED)

IN4 voltage (+12V) (BRIGHT ORANGE)
               Fan 1 (WHITE)

IN5 voltage (-12V) (BRIGHT YELLOW)
               Fan 2 (MID GREY)

               Fan 3 (BROWN)


wmsensors can take various command-line options. These are as follows:
-a [command]                   program to start on sensor alarms

-u <secs>                              updatespeed

-exe <program>                 program to start on middle-click

-position [+|-]x[+|-]y position of wmlm78

-record [filename]             logs data to [filename]

-shape                         without groundplate

-lm75                          plots multiple CPU temperatures

-iconic                                start up as icon

-withdrawn                     start up withdrawn

-ver                                   output version and quit

-config        filename                specify config file


This program requires the lm_sensors-2.x kernel modules in order to work.
On left-clicking in the program window the program sensors (by Frodo Looijaard) is run in an xterm.
On centre-clicking in the program window a user-defined command is executed; if no command is specified, then /usr/local/bin/sensors -s will be run. When run as root, this will update the sensor limits as specified in sensors.conf. On right-clicking in the program window this man page is shown.
Two bright red traces may apppear in the temperature display, depending on which sensors your motherboard has. This means that both motherboard and CPU temperature are being displayed.
Note that even with the -lm75 option you often only see two traces, as the CPU temperatures ought to be pretty equal.
The -config option should be common to all applications that use libsensors.
The default filename used by the -record option is wmsensors.log, in the current working directory. wmsensors -r - may be used to write the data to stdout.


/etc/sensors.conf (may be located in /usr/local/lib or elsewhere...)
Various files under /proc

