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Version: 2010-02-14 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Mixin::Linewise::Writers - get linewise writeers for strings and filenames


   package Your::Pkg;
   use Mixin::Linewise::Writers -writers;
   sub write_handle {
     my ($self, $data, $handle) = @_;
     $handle->print("datum: $_\n") for @$data;


   use Your::Pkg;
   Your::Pkg->write_file($data, $filename);
   Your::Pkg->write_string($data, $string);
   Your::Pkg->write_handle($data, $fh);


"write_file" and "write_string" are exported by default. Either can be requested individually, or renamed. They are generated by Sub::Exporter, so consult its documentation for more information.

Both can be generated with the option ``method'' which requests that a method other than ``write_handle'' is called with the created IO::Handle.


   Your::Pkg->write_file($data, $filename);

This method will try to open a new file with the given name. It will then call "write_handle" with that handle.

Any arguments after $filename are passed along after to "write_handle".


   my $string = Your::Pkg->write_string($data);

"write_string" will create a new IO::String handle, call "write_handle" to write to that handle, and return the resulting string.

Any arguments after $data are passed along after to "write_handle".


Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at


For other issues, or commercial enhancement or support, contact the author.


Ricardo SIGNES, "<rjbs@cpan.org>" Copyright 2008, Ricardo SIGNES.

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.