
Langue: en

Version: 2004-08-16 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Net::Jabber::XDB - Jabber XDB Library


   Net::Jabber::XDB is a companion to the Net::Jabber module. It
   provides the user a simple interface to set and retrieve all
   parts of a Jabber XDB.


   Net::Jabber::XDB differs from the other Net::Jabber::* modules in that
   the XMLNS of the data is split out into more submodules under
   XDB.  For specifics on each module please view the documentation
   for each Net::Jabber::Data::* module.  To see the list of avilable
   namspaces and modules see Net::Jabber::Data.
   To initialize the XDB with a Jabber <xdb/> you must pass it the 
   XML::Parser Tree array.  For example:
     my $xdb = new Net::Jabber::XDB(@tree);
   There has been a change from the old way of handling the callbacks.
   You no longer have to do the above, a Net::Jabber::XDB object is passed
   to the callback function for the xdb:
     use Net::Jabber qw(Component);
     sub xdb {
       my ($XDB) = @_;
   You now have access to all of the retrieval functions available.
   To create a new xdb to send to the server:
     use Net::Jabber;
     $XDB = new Net::Jabber::XDB();
     $XDBType = $XDB->NewData( type );
   Now you can call the creation functions for the XDB, and for the <data/>
   on the new Data object itself.  See below for the <xdb/> functions, and
   in each data module for those functions.
   For more information about the array format being passed to the CallBack
   please read the Net::Jabber::Client documentation.


Retrieval functions

   GetTo()      - returns either a string with the Jabber Identifier,
   GetTo("jid")   or a Net::Jabber::JID object for the person who is
                  going to receive the <xdb/>.  To get the JID
                  object set the string to "jid", otherwise leave
                  blank for the text string.
                  $to    = $XDB->GetTo();
                  $toJID = $XDB->GetTo("jid");
   GetFrom()      -  returns either a string with the Jabber Identifier,
   GetFrom("jid")    or a Net::Jabber::JID object for the person who
                     sent the <xdb/>.  To get the JID object set
                     the string to "jid", otherwise leave blank for the
                     text string.
                     $from    = $XDB->GetFrom();
                     $fromJID = $XDB->GetFrom("jid");
   GetType() - returns a string with the type <xdb/> this is.
               $type = $XDB->GetType();
   GetID() - returns an integer with the id of the <xdb/>.
             $id = $XDB->GetID();
   GetAction() - returns a string with the action <xdb/> this is.
               $action = $XDB->GetAction();
   GetMatch() - returns a string with the match <xdb/> this is.
               $match = $XDB->GetMatch();
   GetError() - returns a string with the text description of the error.
                $error = $XDB->GetError();
   GetErrorCode() - returns a string with the code of error.
                    $errorCode = $XDB->GetErrorCode();
   GetData() - returns a Net::Jabber::Data object that contains the data
               in the <data/> of the <xdb/>.
               $dataTag = $XDB->GetData();
   GetDataXMLNS() - returns a string with the namespace of the data
                    for this <xdb/>, if one exists.
                    $xmlns = $XDB->GetDataXMLNS();

Creation functions

   SetXDB(to=>string|JID,    - set multiple fields in the <xdb/> at one
         from=>string|JID,     time.  This is a cumulative and over
         id=>string,           writing action.  If you set the "to"
         type=>string,         attribute twice, the second setting is
         action=>string,       what is used.  If you set the status, and
         match=>string)        then set the priority then both will be in
         errorcode=>string,    the <xdb/> tag.  For valid settings read the
         error=>string)        specific Set functions below.
                                            error=>"Permission Denied");
   SetTo(string) - sets the to attribute.  You can either pass a string
   SetTo(JID)      or a JID object.  They must be a valid Jabber
                   Identifiers or the server will return an error message.
                   (ie., etc...)
   SetFrom(string) - sets the from attribute.  You can either pass a string
   SetFrom(JID)      or a JID object.  They must be a valid Jabber
                     Identifiers or the server will return an error message.
                     (ie., etc...)
   SetType(string) - sets the type attribute.  Valid settings are:
                     get      request information
                     set      set information
                     result   results of a get
                     error    there was an error
   SetAction(string) - sets the error code of the <xdb/>.
   SetMatch(string) - sets the error code of the <xdb/>.
   SetErrorCode(string) - sets the error code of the <xdb/>.
   SetError(string) - sets the error string of the <xdb/>.
                      $XDB->SetError("Permission Denied");
   NewData(string) - creates a new Net::Jabber::Data object with the
                      namespace in the string.  In order for this function
                      to work with a custom namespace, you must define and
                      register that namespace with the XDB module.  For more
                      information please read the documentation for
                      $dataObj = $XDB->NewData("jabber:xdb:auth");
                      $dataObj = $XDB->NewData("jabber:xdb:roster");
   Reply(hash) - creates a new XDB object and populates the to/from
                 fields.  If you specify a hash the same as with SetXDB
                 then those values will override the Reply values.
                 $xdbReply = $XDB->Reply();
                 $xdbReply = $XDB->Reply(type=>"result");

Test functions

   DefinedTo() - returns 1 if the to attribute is defined in the <xdb/>,
                 0 otherwise.
                 $test = $XDB->DefinedTo();
   DefinedFrom() - returns 1 if the from attribute is defined in the <xdb/>,
                   0 otherwise.
                   $test = $XDB->DefinedFrom();
   DefinedID() - returns 1 if the id attribute is defined in the <xdb/>,
                 0 otherwise.
                 $test = $XDB->DefinedID();
   DefinedType() - returns 1 if the type attribute is defined in the <xdb/>,
                   0 otherwise.
                   $test = $XDB->DefinedType();
   DefinedAction() - returns 1 if the action attribute is defined in the <xdb/>,
                    0 otherwise.
                    $test = $XDB->DefinedAction();
   DefinedMatch() - returns 1 if the match attribute is defined in the <xdb/>,
                    0 otherwise.
                    $test = $XDB->DefinedMatch();
   DefinedError() - returns 1 if <error/> is defined in the <xdb/>,
                    0 otherwise.
                    $test = $XDB->DefinedError();
   DefinedErrorCode() - returns 1 if the code attribute is defined in
                        <error/>, 0 otherwise.
                        $test = $XDB->DefinedErrorCode();


By Ryan Eatmon in May of 2001 for This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.