
Langue: en

Version: 274562 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


inviso_rt - Direct API to the Inviso Runtime Component


The inviso_rt API is normally only used when programming autostart scripts or similar mechanisms. The reason is that the runtime component is part of the Runtime_tools application and will therefore always be available. But the regular inviso API is part of the Inviso application not necessarily available on the node doing an autostart. It is of course possible to runt a "lean" tracer only using the runtime component manually (i.e not through autostart). The runtime component shall otherwise be controlled through the control component, which is accessed with the inviso API.


init_tracing(TracerData) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}

See inviso:init_tracing/2 for details.

tp(Mod,Func,Arity,MatchSpec,Opts) ->
tp(Mod,Func,Arity,MatchSpec) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}
tp(PatternList) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}

Mod, Func = atom() | '_' | ModRegExp | {DirRegExp, ModRegExp}

 ModRegExp = regexp_string()

 DirRegExp = regexp_string()
Arity = int() | '_'
MatchSpec = true | false | [] | matchspec()
PatternList = [Pattern],

 Pattern = {Mod, Func, Arity, MatchSpec, Opts}
Opts = [Opt]

 Opt = only_loaded
NodeResult = {ok, [Ans]} | {error, Reason}

  Ans = int() | {error, Reason}

Set global trace patterns. The integer replied if the call was successfull describes the number of matched functions. Using wildcards follows the rules for wildcards of erlang:trace_pattern. It is for instance illegal to specify M=='_' while F is not '_'.
Modules can also be specified using Erlang regular expressions as described in the regexp module. If {DirRegExp, ModRegExp} is used, module selection will further be restricted by that the module must be loaded from a location containing DirRegExp somewhere in the path. This can be used to for instance trace on all modules belonging to a certain application.

tpl(Mod,Func,Arity,MatchSpec) ->
tpl(Mod,Func,Arity,MatchSpec,Opts) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}
tpl(PatternList) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}

See tp/N function above for details on arguments and return values.
Set local trace pattern on specified functions.

ctp(Mod,Func,Arity) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}

See tp/N for argument descriptions.
Clear global trace patterns.

ctpl(Mod,Func,Arity) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}

See tp/N for argument description.
Clear local trace patterns.

tf(PidSpec,FlagList) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}
tf(TraceConfList) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}

TraceConfList = [{PidSpec, FlagList}]
FlagList = [Flag]
PidSpec = all | new| existing | pid() | locally_registered_name()
Flag = all process trace flags allowed.
NodeResult = {ok, [Ans]} | {error, Reason}
Ans = int() | {error, Reason}

Set process trace flags. The integer returned if the call was successful describes the matched number of processes.

ctf(PidSpec,FlagList) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}
ctf(TraceConfList) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}

See tf/1,2 for arguments and return value description.
Clear process trace flags.

init_tpm(Mod,Func,Arity,CallFunc) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}
init_tpm(Mod,Func,Arity,InitFunc,CallFunc,ReturnFunc,RemoveFunc) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}

Mod = Func = atom()
Arity = int()
NodeResult = ok | {error, Reason}
InitFunc = RemoveFunc = {Module, Function} | function()/4 | void

See inviso:init_tpm/5,7 for details.

tpm(Mod,Func,Arity,MS) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}
tpm(Mod,Func,Arity,MS,CallFunc) -> NodeResults | {error,Reason}
tpm(Mod,Func,Arity,MS,InitFunc,CallFunc,ReturnFunc,RemoveFunc) -> NodeResults | {error,Reason}

Mod = Func = atom() =/= '_'
Arity = int()
MS = match_spec()
InitFunc = CallFunc = ReturnFunc = RemoveFunc = {Module, Function} | function()
NodeResult = {ok, 1} | {ok, 0} | {error, Reason}

See inviso:tpm/4,5,8 for details.

tpm_tracer(Mod,Func,Arity,MS) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}
tpm_tracer(Mod,Func,Arity,MS,CallFunc) -> NodeResults | {error,Reason}
tpm_tracer(Mod,Func,Arity,MS,InitFunc,CallFunc,ReturnFunc,RemoveFunc) -> NodeResults | {error,Reason}

See inviso:tpm_tracer/4,5,8 for details.

tpm_ms(Mod,Func,Arity,MSname,MS) ->d NodeResult | {error,Reason}

Mod = Func = atom()
Arity = int()
MSname = term()
MatchSpec = [match_spec()]
NodeResult = {ok, 1} | {ok, 0} | {error, Reason}

See inviso:tpm_ms/5 for details.

tpm_ms_tracer(Mod,Func,Arity,MSname,MS) ->d NodeResult | {error,Reason}

See inviso:tpm_ms_tracer/5 for details.

ctpm_ms(Mod,Func,Arity,MSname) -> NodeResult | {error,Reason}

NodeResult = ok | {error, Reason}

See inviso:ctpm_ms/4 for details.

ctpm(Mod,Func,Arity) -> {ok,NodeResults} | NodeResult | {error,Reason}

NodeResults = [{Node, NodeResult}]
NodeResult = ok | {error, Reason}

See inviso:ctpm/3 for details.

local_register() ->NodeResult | {error,Reason}

NodeResult = {R1, R2}
R1 = R2 = {ok, 0} | {ok, 1} | {error, Reason}

See inviso:tpm_localnames/0 for details.

remove_local_register() ->NodeResult | {error,Reason}

NodeResult = {R1, R2} | {error, Reason}
R1 = R2 = ok | {error, Reason}

See inviso:ctpm_localnames/0 for details.

global_register() ->NodeResult | {error,Reason}

NodeResult = {R1, R2} | {error, Reason}
R1 = R2 = {ok, 0} | {ok, 1} | {error, Reason}

See inviso:tpm_globalnames/0 for details.

remove_global_register() ->NodeResult | {error,Reason}

NodeResult = {R1, R2} | {error, Reason}
R1 = R2 = ok | {error, Reason}

See inviso:ctpm_globalnames/0 for details.