
Langue: en

Version: 175502 (fedora - 06/07/09)

Section: 8 (Commandes administrateur)


fence_ilo - I/O Fencing agent for HP Integrated Lights Out card


fence_ilo [OPTION]...


fence_ilo is an I/O Fencing agent used for HP servers with the Integrated Light Out (iLO) PCI card. The agent opens an SSL connection to the iLO card. Once the SSL connection is established, the agent is able to communicate with the iLO card through an XML stream.

fence_ilo depends on the pyOpenSSL available in your distribution or downloadable from http://pyopenssl.sourceforge.net

NOTE: fence_ilo deprecates fence_rib.


-a IPaddress[:port]
IP address or hostname of the iLO card. If the SSL server of the card is not running on the default SSL port, 443, then [:port] will also need to be specified.
Print out a help message describing available options, then exit.
-l login
Login name.
-o action
The action required. reboot (default), off, on or status.
-p password
Password for login or for passphrase.
-S script
Script to run to retrieve password. -z Use secure connection over SSL (default).
-S path
Full path to an executable to generate the password for login.
-r protocol
RIBCL protocol to use. Default is to autodetect.
Print out a version message, then exit.


action = < param >
The action required. reboot (default), off, on or status.
agent = < param >
This option is used by fence_node(8) and is ignored by fence_ilo.
hostname = < hostname | ip >
IP address or hostname of the iLO card.
login = < param >
Login name.
passwd = < param >
Password for login or for passphrase.
passwd_script = < param >
Script to run to retrieve password.
ssl = < param >
Use secure connection over SSL.
passwd = < param >
Password for login.
passwd_script = < param >
Full path to an executable to generate the password for login.
ribcl = < param >
RIBCL protocol to use. Default is to autodetect.
verbose = < param >
Verbose mode.


fence(8), fence_node(8), fence_rib(8)