
Langue: en

Version: 313301 (ubuntu - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


Felix executable statements (these need to be checked!).

Executable Statements

goto <label>;
unconditional jump

if <cond> goto <label>;
conditional jump

if <cond> return;
conditional return

if <cond> do <statements>
[elif <cond> do <statements>] ..
[else <statements>]
conditional execution

call <expr><expr>;
call <expr>;
Procedure call. The third and fourth forms call <expr> ().

jump <expr>;
Explicit tail call: same as call <expr>; return;

loop <ident><expr>;
Explicit tail call of parent <ident> which reuses its frame object.

read <identifier>;
blocking read of message into variable.

whilst <cond> do <statements> done;
until <cond> do <statements> done;
Conditional iteration.

todo <string>;
No operation. Use to make incomplete program parts in a way that is easy to search for.




felix(1) for a language introduction and man page index
flx(1) for a list of the tools.
flxcc(1) for a description of the wrapper generator tool.
flx_lit(1) for a description of literals
flx_op(1) for a list of operators
flx_cop(1) for a list of C operator precedence names
flx_key(1) for a list of keywords
flx_grammar(1) for a grammar summary
flx_lib_typ(1) for a list of library types
flx_dir(1) for a list of directives
flx_exec(1) for a list of executable statements
flx_decl(1) for a list of declarative statements
flx_bind(1) for a list of binding statements


See http://felix.sourceforge.net


John Maxwell Skaller, mailto:skaller@users.sourceforge.net